Thursday, November 8, 2007

Weight Loss and Eating Right by The Flying Spartan

As a physician, I have seen so many of my patients spend thousands of their hard earned dollars on so many fad diets. They would lose weight only to gain it was so hard to see this going on with nothing new to offer the patients. The diet habits of SAD diet (Standard American Diet) is the direct result of the way and what we eat.

The hospitals are filled with self afflicted wounds......and has and/or will kill so many people before the public wises up to the cause and prevention of so many diseases and deaths.

I have discovered two pathways to recommend to my patients. First, if you want regular and private help by doctors that coach you back to good health, then by all means look at Good Health Coach

If you are the type person that needs and wants the food prepared for you, and the food is both good tasting and good for your body, then you should click on the link below.

Dieting is Easier When You Love the Food. Delicious meals shipped to your door. It's a proven strategy that works!

One thing that I would like to share with you from a doctor's stand point. You will get sick and die before your time if you do not start to eat an organic and unprocessed diet. You will get sick and die before your time if you do not rid yourself of the SAD that has put on all those extra pounds. And last but not not do it for someone else.....that never must be willing to do all that it takes and to do it for yourself.

Dieting is Easier When You Love the Food. Delicious meals shipped to your door. It's a proven strategy that works!

This review is brought to you free by The Flying Spartan. I am a retired physician and if you have any comments after using these services, then please email me. These are two choices that will help, you might want to even do both if possible. Whatever you do, do something to get you back to health and stay healthy.

Thanks for reading my review.

The Flying Spartan

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